Chip: Special Tips & Tricks for Windows 95
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Replacement Windows 95 Logos
"The Clouds' Revenge"
Revision date: August 20, 1996
1. Introduction
Over a year ago, we provided Windows users everywhere with a means
of replacing the "everything's perfect in Microsoftland" clouds that
plague PC boot-ups. We got _a_lot_ of mail :) It's great to see
that so many folks have taken up the fight against computerized
Anyway, we kept promising that there'd be a second pack. And well,
here it is. Some of these logos have been on my hard drive for a very
long time. I hope you enjoy these, or at least make your own.
2. Installation
Ok, first you'll want to know what the logos look like, so I left
the .BMP extension on them for easier previewing. Just use MSPAINT,
QPV or whatever to look at them. Remember they look stretched to
twice their normal hight.
You'll note these instructions are intended for a DOS window.
Hmm... I wonder why. :)
For boot logos, just copy the file of your choice to the root
directory of your boot drive (see below) as LOGO.SYS. Windows will
automatically find and use it there. For example,
(from the directory where you unzipped this stuff)
(if it asks you to overwrite, say yes, but don't blame us)
The exit logos are stored in your Windows directory as:
LOGOW.SYS - The cloud one like the standard boot logo.
LOGOS.SYS - The "You can now safely . . ." message.
Installing these is just as easy:
(from the directory where you unzipped this)
Of course, you have to put your Windows drive and directory where
the "D:\WIN95\" part is . . .
That's all.
Note that WARN3.BMP is identical to the logo included in the first
pack, but now the little icon flashes. Oooooo.
3. Isn't there an easier way?
Of course! We have provided an installer written in (ick!) Visual Basic,
which, naturally, requires a multi-megabyte DLL file to run. So, if
you can manage to get VB40032.DLL installed in your Windows SYSTEM
directory, then all you have to do is double-click on LOGOPACK.EXE and
shazam! It should be pretty straight-forward. Use the file box to
load a logo, then hit a button to copy it into one of the boot or
shutdown screens.
The DLL file can be found at:
It's 975k. Yeah, I know.
4. The exit ones work, but the boot logo doesn't.
If you run Stacker or some such thing, your real boot drive probably
isn't C:, so you have to put LOGO.SYS on the real boot drive.
If you're still runner Stacker, get a clue. Hard drives (in North
America, anyway) are cheaper than glue. :)
5. Where can I get the old logo pack?
Try either of our homepages, listed below.
6. How can I make my own logos?
Again, check the homepages on this one. Dave thinks he's got the
coolest version, but I'm not so sure.
If you want any extra info, please check the homepages first, but
then feel free to mail either of us. Praise is alweays welcome,
however :)
7. Other crap
We're not responsible for anything that happens to your computer as
a result of doing anything we suggest with these files (or with any
files or ideas or suggestions), no matter how stupid you are.
And no, I'm not going to type in capital letters, so screw off.
BTW, the release date of this file has nothing to do with the
anniversary of Windows 95. We just want more mail. :)
8. Who did this, and who can I yell at?
We are:
Brad Spencer <spencer@ug.cs.dal.ca>, creator of JONDISCO.BMP,
PAULJON.BMP and MACOS.BMP in this pack, and WARN1.BMP, WARN2.BMP,
HOLLY1.BMP, HOLLY2.BMP, C64BOOT.BMP in the old one.
Dave Whiting <whiting@cs.stmarys.ca>, creator of REDWARF.BMP,
RNSTMPY1.BMP, RNSTMPY2.BMP in the old one.
Yelling at us won't help... see part 7 :)
Let us know if you like them!
Brad: http://www.ug.cs.dal.ca/~spencer/
Dave: http://ccn.cs.dal.ca/~aj259/
Thanks to yardbird and WinXpert on #Windows95 for a bit of technical
help... Also thanks to Johan Redestig for telling us about enabling
colour cycling.
9. Release History
LOGOPAK1.ZIP was uploaded damn near everywhere and contains different
stuff. You can get this from our homepages.
WARNLOGO.ZIP was uploaded to ftp.cica.indiana.edu before we realized
that we could make a lot more cool logos :) All it contained were
the two warning logos. This is better.